Nutty Treats: The nutritious snacks for your overall health

Including nuts in your regular healthy diet has many health benefits. They are a natural source of vitamins, minerals, protein and fat, and fibers. Regular consumption of nuts helps reducing cholesterol, strengthen bone health and maintain regular bowel movements.
The most important benefit is that they are full of antioxidants, vitamin B, E, niacin, folate, magnesium, potassium iron and Zinc, etc.
Despite having numerous benefits, some people believe that they are high in calories but studies show that consuming the right amount of nuts every day will keep you full of energy and backfill any deficiency.
Another problem people face that how can they consume nuts every day. By making little changes to your regular diet, you easily get benefitted from them, as- for snacks, instead of going for biscuits or crisps just have a handful of them, while cooking, include some nuts or seeds in vegetables, grind them and include to your soups, add them into your salad, or most delicious way is to roast them and enjoy a crispy flavor.

The most important thing about consuming nuts is that how much amount you should take. The ideal serving size is 30 grams which is almost a handful. Having a handful of nuts including seeds, dry fruits which means including a variety of them, not just one type would be an ideal serving size.
Vegans and vegetarians can be an ideal substitute for meat and eggs, these people may require little more than recommended amount to fulfill their protein intake.
Let’s understand how different types of nuts have health benefits:
Cashew nuts are a good source of iron, magnesium, and Zinc. Iron prevents anemia by transporting oxygen to your body, Zinc is an immunity booster and healthy vision; and magnesium prevents age-related memory loss.
Pistachios make your arteries flexible since they contain I-arginine which reduces the chance of blood clot formation.
Almonds contain high monosaturated fats so they reduce the risk of heart disease and blood sugar. Eating 8-10 soaked almonds every day will boost your immune system. Dates are exceptionally good dried fruit with high traces of potassium and minerals, 1-2 medium-sized dates are sufficient in number.
Raisins are dried fruit, good for lowering your cravings and inducing satiety naturally, 10-12 pieces of raisins are enough at a time.
Walnuts are enriched with antioxidants, protect the cellular damage of your body, reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and premature aging. 1-2 walnut every day is an ideal amount to have.

Despite having all health benefits, nuts may also have health hazards, they may cause life-threatening allergic reactions among those who are allergic to them.
Children under the age of 3 should not be given whole nuts due to choking hazards, however, they can be given in paste form to avoid it. If your child has grown any allergies due to nuts, it is better to see a specialist to determine which dry fruit or nut he/she is allergic to before giving them.
It is always recommended to check the food labels and ingredients before buying any food product.