Finger Millet: Tiny in Size, Vast in Health Benefits

The superfood Finger Millet, also known as ‘Ragi’ is a popular grain after wheat, rice, and maize in India. It is grown extensively in African and Asian countries, with India is among the leading producer. The scientific name of Finger Millet is Eleusine coracana. Very tiny in size, brown in color, this grain is an excellent source of nutrition.
In India, the top consumer of this grain is Karnataka, and then other southern states like Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Kerala. Not only for adults, but this wonder grain also has huge health benefits for babies and pregnant women. Since the Pandemic has started, people prefer sticking to more nutritious food and finger millet proved to be the best choice for them.

Nutrition Value of Finger Millet
Finger millet is non-glutinous, thus, very beneficial for people who suffer from gluten allergy and celiac disease. It contains high amount of calcium (334mg%) potassium (408mg%), unsaturated fats. Apart from this, the protein content is 5-8%, carbohydrates about 65-75%, 15-20% dietary fibers, and 2.5-3.5% minerals. Due to its high nutritious contents, it has tremendous health benefits for people of all ages.
Finger Millet Farming
The grain is native to Africa, Ethiopian and Ugandan highlands, and Asia named as dryland crops due to its ability to sustain both tropical and subtropical regions. The crop can sustain the cultivation at an altitude over 2000m above sea levels. People often call it a famine crop as it can be stored for almost five years. With little care given, this crop can be saved from any damage from pests, molds, or humidity. Its long storage characteristic makes it a popular choice for families during poor growing seasons. This crop can be grown on a wide range of soils, however, it gives the best results in soils with a pH of 4.5 to 8.0. Good drainage is required as its ability to hold water logging is limited. The plant has very stern roots and stems are slender, ascending, and smooth.

Health benefits
- Being a good source of calcium and vitamin D, Finger Millet helps strenthening bones. People who have Osteoporosis can get benefits from adding it to their regular diet.
- Finger Millet sprouts are full of vitamin C that helps in absobing iron that means no iron supplement is needed if it is added in regular diet.
- It helps in controlling blood sugar levels as it contains high fibres. It reduces hunger what means it is an essential food for health management program.
- It contains three types of amino acids- lecithin, methionine, and threonine, which are considered to control the formation of plaque within blood vessels and fat in liver, so it makes heart and circulatory process healthy.
- Finger Millet is helpful in providing relaxation to body, beneficial in axiety, depression and insomnia.
- It scontains anti-aging properties, makes smooth, youthful skin.
How it is consumed in India People from different cultures have different ways of consuming it, some like to prepare porridge or boil it with vegetables. In the southern part of India, people use it for making dosa, idli, chapati, or ragi balls which are served with sambhar or chutney.