Delta Plus Variant: Follow Rules, Stay Safe

The massive spread of delta variant gave rise to the second wave of Covid 19 cases in India and globally its highly infectious strain has spread. The situation still continues but not as bad as during the second wave when India on May 7, reported 414188 new cases and thousand deaths.
During the first wave when India imposed a nationwide lockdown in March 2020 which continued for several months. When the second wave started, individual states were given all responsibilities to implement lockdown wherever it is necessary.
Delta variant is considered to be more infectious than the original virus. Now Delta Plus variant which is the potential cause of the third wave has now spread to 12 states in India. Although, it has spread only in a small number but how deadly the second wave had been, leads the authorities and public to get more concerned about it.

The Delta variant B.1.617 shook India to the core and another variant Delta-Plus which is an additional mutation to the delta variant. In India Maharashtra reported the most number of cases which is 22, however, it has not shown any significant uprising numbers.
The respiratory viruses have characteristics of emerging new variants. They need the human body for continual infection and cells they can replicate. When people are cautious, always wear masks, sanities hands, avoid large gatherings, the chance of large-scale replication of the virus becomes almost nil, however, to overcome this hindrance, the virus mutates fast so that its infectivity could increase.
According to evolutionary biology, the virus tends to decimate a limited number of hosts only at the cost of its own elimination. Whenever people behave carelessly without following any precaution, they offer their bodies for virus infection.
Through the evolutionary process, the virus mutates further and becomes more infective but becomes weaker in its pathogenic characteristics. Apart from common healthy people, the virus creates a higher possibility of infection among people who suffer from chronic illnesses, such as diabetes, respiratory problems, or people who have low immunity or have been on a ventilator for a long time.

Up until now the tendency of this virus is not clear. It has been found out that vaccines which is available are not so effective for the Delta variant as they were for the old virus. Whatever the case be, these vaccines certainly protect human beings from utterly severe diseases or deaths.
In any case, whether it is highly infective or deadly, the only way to tackle it is to follow Covid’s appropriate behavior. A fast vaccination process would at least help acquire immunity and lessen the severity of its impact. While there is no proper remedy for this virus, people’s own carefulness and common sense will help- keeping places ventilated, going out whenever it is necessary, keeping a distance is highly recommended.
After a heart-wrenching scenario during previous months, some people still have the misconception that nothing will happen which might put them at a greater loss. The general tendency of the virus is to keep mutating. We, as sensible citizens of the nation, have to follow simple rules- wearing masks, washing hands and using sanitizer which will help us get rid of it soon.