Give a New Look to Your Home with Fragrant Plants

Fragrant plants not only give an aesthetic sense to your house but also fill it with a divine and mystical fragrance. When you live in an ambiance where a mild fragrance is ruminating around your mind feel fresh and energetic and if this fragrance comes from natural sources, it is even better. You don’t need an air freshener to freshen the environment, these fragrant plants will add a sensory experience to your garden. If you love gardening or growing indoor plants, you can fulfill your wish with little or no maintenance, all you need to know which plants are fragrant and which can be grown indoors or outdoors
Aromatic plants have a unique and captivating smell that no one can avoid looking at or smelling. These plants not only make a person’s mood pleasant but also send out positive vibes into a dull space. These plants are wonderful for home gardens and provide a friendly ambiance if grown in an office. Here are some fragrant plants are that you can grow at home or office.

Jasmine Plant
The biological name of fragrant jasmine is Jasminum floridum, J. humile (Italian Jasmine). This plant does not require too much care and attention, once grown well, they add beauty to the place. Jasmine comes in different varieties so you can choose fragrant ones and non-fragrant ones.
Rosemary Plant
Its leaves are slightly spiky but give a very nice aroma. They are used as a seasoning for foods. Rosemary is an evergreen shrub. It grows in bright sunlight and well-drained soil. Its leaves have medicinal values as they are used in aromatherapy.
Rajanigandha (Tuberose)
The smell of Rajanigandha is so mild and mesmerizing that one feels like staying around the plant forever. It grows in a warm climate; needs normal watering and fertilizing. It is used in making products like cream, soaps, and perfumes. If you do not have big space, you can grow it in a medium-sized pot.

One of the sweetest smelling plants, Gardenia is a popular ornamental shrub. It requires some maintenance as it is cold-sensitive and dies during severe weather conditions. It is good to plant it in a pot so that it can be moved indoors or outdoors during extreme weather. The plant will bloom well when the soil is acidic and well-drained but moist.
The sky-high tree of Eucalyptus has a very mild fragrance in leaves. Often it is used for medicinal purposes through essential oils which gives immediate relief in stress and migraines. They require little maintenance, once grown, all you need is to water them.
Oriental Lily
The striking and intense small of oriental Lily is best suited for open and large gardens. The flowers bloom in late summer, often bloom best in cool to warm climates. During light winters, they grow well.
Lilac This fragrant flowering shrub is a low-maintenance plant that blooms in late spring through all summer but gives good results if grown in cooler summers where it receives full sunlight without too much heat. This shrub comes in seven different colors which you can choose as per your choice.