Watermelon: A Natural Coolant in Summers

After staying outdoors in the scorching heat of summers, who doesn’t want to have a few slices of juicy chilled watermelon at home. The juicy sweet taste of watermelon gives an immediate soothing effect to the body and senses. It is the famous and first choice of snacks in almost all countries but its first harvest is said to be in Egypt 5000 years ago. It is a delicious healthy fruit, replete with nutrients, low in calories, and free of fat. They are a rich source of lycopene, ascorbic acid, and citrulline. These antioxidants are known to protect us against many severe diseases.
Watermelon contains approximately 92% water, each bite provides you a significant amount of Vitamin A, B6, C, amino acid, potassium, and lycopene. It is not that only the red part of the watermelon can be eaten but you can eat all parts including seeds. Each one of these parts is full of nutritional value.

Nutrients in Watermelon
Watermelon is a rich source of lycopene- a phytonutrient that is responsible for healthy reactions in the body. According to reports, one and a half cup of watermelon contains about 9to 13 milligrams of lycopene. It is good for heart and bone health and prevents prostate cancer. The soothing effect of watermelon has anti-inflammatory properties that prevent other problems. If you want to have the full benefits of lycopene, always choose to have ripe ones. The white part of watermelon near the rind contains a higher amount of amino acid citrulline which helps improve blood flow, cardiovascular health, and improved circulation.
Helpful to stay hydrated
Our bodies need a sufficient amount of water to function properly but sometimes due to negligence or excess work, we forget to have sufficient water. In such a situation, taking a good portion of watermelon will keep you hydrated and energetic.
Reduces the risk of chronic diseases
Watermelon has proved to be a good diet for a healthy heart. 2 cups of watermelon contain 80 calories and are free of fat, sodium, and cholesterol. Lycopene plays an important role in maintaining blood pressure, protecting heart cells from any damage. Other chronic diseases such as cancer, post-menopause arterial stiffness in women can also be reduced with the help of regular intake of watermelon.

Good for skin health
Vitamin A and C play a pivotal role in maintaining the good health of the skin. Vitamin A is important to repair any damages or roughness in your skin and vitamin C helps make collagen that creates elasticity in the skin. The nutrients of watermelon rejuvenate your skin from any damage.
Good for reducing weight
If you have a good portion of watermelon, you feel full for a long time. It also removes toxins from your body so it works well in reducing weight.
Improves digestion
The high amount of water and fibres in watermelon keep the digestive tract clear, make bowel movements regular. The water content helps to absorb nutrients from food and expel unhealthy particles through regular bowel movements. Consuming the whole watermelon could be difficult at once so you can store an uncut one in the fridge for about 10 days and cut one for 2 days after wrapping it properly.